Разбираемся с прививками. Часть 25. Витамин К
If you are not doing something controversial, you are not doing something important. Michael Skinner 1. Одной из процедур, которой подвергается...
If you are not doing something controversial, you are not doing something important. Michael Skinner 1. Одной из процедур, которой подвергается...
The great tragedy of Science is the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. Thomas Huxley Поскольку от туберкулеза в Израиле не...
The remedy is worse than the disease. Francis Bacon 1. Менингококк — это третий вид бактерий, вызывающий менингит и бактериемию...
I am dying from the treatment of too many physicians. Alexander the Great 1. Если от коклюша прививают детей и взрослых, чтобы защитить младенцев...
Vaccination is a barbarous practice, and it is one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time, not to be found even among the...
Why would you let them be the ones to stick a disease into your arm? I would never get a swine flu vaccine or any vaccine. I don’t trust the...
If I were to remain silent, I’d be guilty of complicity. Albert Einstein 1. Пневмококк — это распространенная бактерия, которая, как и...
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell 1. Гемофильная палочка, пневмококк и менингококк – это три...
I’ve never had a flu shot, and I’ve never had the flu. I don’t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body, which is basically...
The only safe vaccine is one that is never used. Dr. James Shannon, director of the NIH 1. Несмотря на то, что полиомиелит в развитых странах уже...
You medical people will have more lives to answer for in the other world than even we generals. Napoleon Bonaparte 1. Краснуха у детей — это...
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive C.S. Lewis 1. Свинка (паротит) у детей это...